
Blog Categories
Personal, Life Sciences, Patents

AUTM is coming to Washington, DC!

AUTM is “the non-profit leader in efforts to educate, promote and inspire professionals to support the development of academic research that changes the world and drives innovation forward.”
Blog Categories
Personal, Intellectual Property, Patents

A Trip to New York City

I combined two business events and a Broadway musical in one short trip to New York City.
David Sanker holding IA book at a book signing at the Luxury Law Summit event.
Blog Category

SankerIP celebrates six months in business today!

Six months ago I left my comfortable job as a partner in BigLaw to launch my patent firm SankerIP. Many people have asked why. Why leave a beautiful office where I had good work, good associates, and good pay?
SankerIP Logo
Blog Categories
Math, Personal

My World Record for Memorizing π

I broke the world record for memorizing π way back in 1978. Being an oddball started early for me.
Blog Category

Splashing Through Puddles!

Based on an actual search for “the Great Puddle” going back more than 30 years, I finally put the story into a children’s book.
Book cover of The Great Puddle.
Blog Category

My 20th Marathon

I have been running marathons since 2004. I do not have as much time for training as I would like, but I keep running.